Saturday 22 July 2017

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Por consumidores, para os consumidores. Universal Forex Trading Carmen Katsaitis FOREX Con Artistas - The Face of Pure Unadulterated EVIL Fort Lauderdale, Flórida Se a sua empresa está disposta a comprometer-se com a satisfação do cliente Clique aqui agora .. Se você foi abordado por Carmen Katsaitis ou Evan Taubman sobre financeira Ou qualquer outro assunto de negócios, sugiro que você pise com cuidado, ou melhor, procure em outro lugar. Eu perdi US19,000 por meio de sua decepção e erros descuidados, e eu não quero que outras pessoas caírem na mesma armadilha. Fui abordado por Evan Taubman no outono de 2007. Eu não tinha idéia de quem ele era quando ele me ligou, nem de onde ele tirou meu número. No momento, ele disse que queria me ajudar mais cedo, mas não tinha o veículo certo, e agora ele fazia. Ele ofereceu o comércio de Forex em meu nome por meio de sua equipe de comerciantes especializados na ufxtrading (nota: agora eu tenho esse nome de domínio como eles o abandonaram). Francamente, fiquei intrigado com a oferta porque, 6 meses antes, eu conhecia alguém que era bastante rico, e ele tinha 3 pessoas negociando Forex em seu nome (eles dividiram os lucros metade da metade). Continuou abaixo. Anexos do relatório: Evan me disse que meu custo seria de 70 por dentro e fora do comércio (comprar e vender). Eu pensei que era justo, desde que eles realmente estariam me fazendo dinheiro. Ele então me contou com o assistente pessoal, Carmen Katsaitis. Acontece que Carmen não era sua assistente, mas, como descobri mais tarde, ela era realmente a dono da ufxtrading, e Evan trabalhou para ela. Em qualquer caso, Evan encontrou como um grande tiro, sempre jogando figuras de vários milhões de dólares ao redor Para tentar me impressionar. Ele aconselhou que eles apenas negociam o Forex de forma conservadora, com perdas de parada, etc. Com Carmens persistência de conversa doce, eu decidi que eu lhes daria um tiro, e, no decorrer do próximo mês, eu fechei um total de US $ 19,000 para 2 Contas separadas de corretagem Forex, colocando-as como poder de advogado. No começo, joguei isso de forma conservadora, dando-lhes apenas 5.000 e vendo trades aparecendo na minha conta, juntamente com lucros sólidos, senti que eram sinceras. Então, logo depois, eles aconselharam que poderiam fazer um trabalho melhor se tivessem mais trabalho com isso, e então liguei-os para outros 7.000. Infelizmente, não muito tempo depois, e através de uma ocorrência estranha, minha conta inteira foi eliminada, praticamente durante a noite. Carmen acusou a empresa de Forex de não desligar minha conta como ela havia solicitado. No entanto, apenas recentemente (novembro de 2008) depois de falar com o diretor financeiro dessa empresa de corretora, eu aprendi que não havia absolutamente nada no arquivo sobre um pedido de fechamento da minha conta. Que o CFO está bastante surpreso ao saber de meus eventos porque ele diz que eles não tinham absolutamente nada a ver com isso. Então, voltando, Carmen e Evan insistiram que não era culpa dele que minha conta tivesse sido eliminada (além disso, descobriram que haviam perdido 500 mil pessoas em outras pessoas que estavam gerenciando) no momento em que eu acreditei desde que pareciam ser Genuíno e sincero. Antes disso, passava por uma infeliz disputa de eventos, já havia encaminhado-lhes mais de 7.000, pois solicitaram mais recursos, mas, felizmente, não tinham chegado a adicionar a minha conta de negociação. Quando perguntei a Carmen se ela poderia reconstruir os 12.000 perdidos dos 7.000, ela disse que sim. Apesar de pedir que ela negocie conservadoramente para reconstruir minhas perdas, ela ainda insistiu em negociações de alto risco. (Eu considero que eu sou um tomador de risco, no entanto, eu tomo riscos calculados e eu não gosto de coisas apressadas.) Um dos vários exemplos do descuido que eu vi surgiu quando antes de sair para férias de Natal, Carmen colocou um 2-lot Comércio, e depois partiu para a Costa Rica. Eu assistia dia a dia quando meu valor de conta despencou e, apesar de todos os meus esforços, não consegui alcançar ninguém em seu escritório. Por estranha coincidência, o site das corretoras estava em construção, então eu não consegui baixar sua plataforma ou acessar minha conta de negociação para colocar uma parada manual no lugar. Finalmente, em desespero, consegui conquistar Evan (que também foi para a Costa Rica). Ele disse que falaria com Carmen quando a visse numa hora e eles me chamavam de volta. Esperei e esperei e ela não ligou de volta. Minha conta passou agora abaixo de 0 e não havia nada que eu pudesse fazer sobre isso. Carmens nível extremo de descuido e sua atitude despreocupada me chocaram. Ela insistiu que ela tinha as pessoas observando suas contas na ausência dele, mas eu duvido muito disso ou eles teriam parado para os shenanigans. Agora que ela havia eliminado pessoalmente US $ 19.000 do meu dinheiro, eu aprendi rapidamente que nem ela nem Evan tinham mais uso para mim. Descobriu isso um tanto terrível. Não só isso, mas quando passei pelas declarações da minha conta, descobri que estava realmente sendo cobrado uma média de 100 por troca de ampliação, e não os 70 que eu tinha concordado. Quando enviei minhas descobertas para Evan e Carmen, completas com dados transacionais completos, a corretora me enviou um e-mail, tudo o que Carmen disse foi vergar e contactar alguém na corretora para obter uma explicação. Bem, 3 meses se transformaram em 10 meses e não recebi call-backs e ainda assim ela nunca poderia explicar a discrepância. Tudo o que eu queria era um pouco do meu dinheiro de volta que eu tinha claramente pago em excesso, e ela se recusou a considerá-lo. Quando eu apertei ainda mais dizendo que isso era inaceitável, ela disse que não aceitaria minhas chamadas e nunca mais a chamaria. E, mesmo que alguém da agência de corretagem devesse chamá-la de meu caso, ela não falaria com eles. Por que ela insiste que já desperdicei muito seu tempo. Desculpe-me, mas depois de limpar US19,000 por falta de descuido, senti que tinha todo o direito de entender o que aconteceu. E, como foi, mal falamos por um par de horas em todo o ano de 2008 (enquanto ela estava ausente na Grécia por 6 meses). Carmens súbita e insensível atitude foi a palha proverbial que quebrou os camelos de volta, e é o que me levou a avisar os outros para que eles não possam sofrer um destino semelhante - assim, este site. Em resumo, meus negócios com Carmen Katsaitis ou Evan Taubman começaram bastante agradáveis, no entanto, não posso chamar nenhum dos dois de confiança ou ter integridade. Com ambos, tínhamos concordado com um comércio de 70 por amplo, mas isso acabou sendo inflado quase 50 para mais de 100. Além disso, eu tinha sido dito que as perdas de parada estavam sendo usadas, mas na verdade elas nunca foram. Para todos os efeitos, era uma cobrança de dinheiro, simples e simples. Eles receberam 100 comissões em média por amplo comércio, independentemente se eles me ganharam dinheiro ou perderam dinheiro. Realmente não houve incentivo de desempenho para fazer bem, e nisso reside o ponto de referência chamado GREED. Infelizmente, o Universal Forex Trading foi fechado, sem dúvida depois de Carmen ampère Evan ter percebido que eles tinham ZERO Forex trading perspicácia e nunca deveria ter estado no negócio de investir para começar. Essas pessoas são artistas SCAM em primeiro lugar. Na última verificação Carmen também trabalha em imóveis e hipotecas através da seguinte empresa: Serviços hipotecários inovadores Carmen Katsaitis, Loan Associate Trinity, FL 34655 Telefone: (954) 696-8694 Por último, ouvi, Carmen também pode estar trabalhando na Grécia, sem dúvida Para escapar da ira de investidores irritados dos EUA. Quanto a Evan Taubman, não tenho ideia de seu paradeiro atual, mas sem dúvida ele ainda está tentando acossar em mais pessoas para seus golpes financeiros. Este relatório foi publicado no relatório Ripoff em 02112012 11:41 AM e é um registro permanente localizado aqui: ripoffreportreportsuniversal-forex-tradingfort-lauderdale-florida-33308universal-forex-trading-carmen-katsaitis-forex-con-artists-the-face - de-puro-não adulterado-837598. O tempo de publicação indicado é hora local do Arizona. O Arizona não observa a economia diurna para que o tempo de publicação seja Montanha ou Pacífico, dependendo da época do ano. O relatório Ripoff possui uma licença exclusiva para este relatório. Não pode ser copiado sem a permissão por escrito do Ripoff Report. LEI: sites estrangeiros roubam nosso conteúdo Procure relatórios adicionais Se você quiser ver mais Rip-off Reports sobre este indivíduo da empresa, pesquise aqui: Para garantir os melhores resultados em sua busca: Mantenha o nome simples e simples, e tente diferente Variações do nome. Não inclua, S, Inc., Corp ou LLC no final do nome da empresa. Use apenas a primeira parte principal de um nome para obter melhores resultados. Apenas procure um nome de cada vez se a empresa tiver muitas AKAs. Reportagem Reposição Responder a este relatório Você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa. Você também é vítima da mesma empresa ou pessoa? Deseja Justiça Arquiva um Relatório de Rip-off, ajude outros consumidores a serem educados e não os deixem fugir. Repare sua Reputação Obteve relatórios arquivados contra você Resolva os problemas e reconstrua a confiança através do nosso Programa de Advocacia Corporativa. Programa de advocacia corporativa: a melhor maneira de gerenciar e reparar a reputação de sua empresa. Ocultar queixas negativas é apenas um Band-Aid. Os consumidores querem ver como as empresas cuidam dos negócios. Todas as empresas receberão queixas. Como essas empresas cuidam dessas queixas é o que separa os bons negócios de empresas ruins. Reacetar relatórios Não melhor ainda Arbitrar para definir o recorde direto AUTOR: Pradeep - (Canadá) ENVIADO: terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2012 PUBLICADO: terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2012 Graças a uma dica de uma senhora que havia sido abusada repetidamente por Even Taubman, Agora tenho muitas informações sobre esse con. Ele entrou e saiu da prisão por 20 anos em inúmeras acusações, incluindo surpresa surpresa, Grand Theft What a SCUM BAG. Você pode ver muitos detalhes sobre Evan Taubman em: dc. state. fl. usInmateReleasesdetail. aspBookmark1ampFromlistampSessionID14651867 ou mugshotsUS-CountiesFloridaUnsorted-FLEvan-Taubman.2245686detalhes EVAN TAUBMAN Residência declarada após lançamento: 20335 W PAÍS CLUB DR AVENTURA, FL 33380 33380 Alias: EVAN TAUBMAN, EVAN N TAUBMAN, EVAN NEIL TAUBMAN Cicatrizes, marcas e tatuagens: Tipo Localização Descrição TATUAGEM PARA TRÁS DENTRO DA BOCA ESPACIO TATUAGEM VOLTAR SUN TATUAGEM VOLTAR SUN FACEALIEN FACE W LADY TATTOO BRAÇO ESQUERDO FACEFLAMEAUSTINFISH2-1-94 TATTOO ESQUERDO À ESQUERDA ESTRELA, DAVID , EVAN. BARWIRE, ET ALIEN TATTOO LEFT CHEST ALIEN FACE TATTOO LEFT LEG DOG TATTOO BRAÇO DIREITO ROADRUNNER COYOTE TATTOO DIREITO LEG FLOWER TATTOO RIGHT LEG TRIBOL História da prisão atual História: Ofensa Data ofensa Data da sentença Número do condado Prazo da prisão Comprimento 08242006 DRIV WLIC SRCD FELONY 11192008 BROWARD 0614921 1Y 9M 2D 10022006 DRIV WLIC SRCD FELONY 11192008 BROWARD 0617471 1Y 9M 2D 02202008 DRIV WLIC SRCD FELONY 11192008 BRO WARD 0803563 1Y 9M 2D 06092008 GRAND THEFT, 300 L5,000 11192008 BROWARD 0818717 1Y 9M 2D Nota: As descrições das ofensas são truncadas e não refletem necessariamente o crime de condenação. Consulte os documentos judiciais ou os Estatutos da Flórida para maiores informações ou definições. História da prisão: Data de custódia Data de encerramento 03111999 04062000 04122001 10162005 11252008 04222010 História prévia da prisão: (Nota: Os dados refletidos cobrem os períodos de encarceramento com o Departamento de correções da Flórida desde janeiro de 1983) Ação Data Ação Sentença Data Condado Caso No. Comprimento da sentença da prisão 11201998 COCAINE - POSSESSION 02241999 BROWARD 9823569 1Y 5M 0D 11201998 BATT. LEOFIRFGTEMSETC. 02241999 BROWARD 9823569 1Y 5M 0D 11201998 FLEEING AGGRAVADO LEO 02241999 BROWARD 9823569 1Y 5M 0D 11201998 DRIV WLIC SRCD FELONY 02241999 BROWARD 9823569 1Y 5M 0D 10241998 SHOOTTHROW MISSILE-BLDGVEH. 02241999 9824610 BROWARD 1Y 6M 0E 06212000 02142001 FORGERYUTTERING BROWARD 0011004 2Y 6M 0E 06212000 GRANDE ROUBO 5KL10K 02142001 0011004 BROWARD 2Y 6M 0E 06212000 obstruir da investigação do crime 02142001 0011004 BROWARD 2Y 6M 0E 08182000 DRIV WLIC SRCD ALTA TRAIÇÃO 02142001 0014564 BROWARD 2Y 6M 0E 10152000 BATT. LEOFIRFGTEMSETC. 04092001 BROWARD 0018132 5Y 0M 0D 08262000 DRIV WLIC SRCD FELONY 02142001 BROWARD 0100619 2Y 6M 0D Report Anexos: Responda a este relatório Você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-empregado com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo ou você pode fornecer Informação privilegiada sobre esta empresa. Revisões sobre o artigo - Os comentários pornográficos da Mãe Trabalhadora, solicitação de sexo ou promoção de outros sites, produtos ou empresas estritamente proibidos. Para denunciar qualquer uso incorreto nesta página, clique aqui. Nome: serviço crorkzz País: Índia Comentário: 9w4CGq Olá, eu tenho acompanhado o seu blog há algum tempo e finalmente consegui a bravura para seguir em frente e dar-lhe um grito de Humble Texas. 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Two trails in the Little Belt Mountains lead skiers off the top of Kings Hill Pass beginning west and then either north or south and down different drainages for all-day trips. Both require a shuttle at trails end. The region is known for the boom towns that grew up after the discovery of silver in the area during the 1880s. White Sulphur Springs was known to Native Americans as medicine waters. The natural hot springs were developed first for miners to soak, then for a doctors patients, and today attract guests for their supposed healing powers. Kings Hill Pass is the highest pass that remains open in Montana in winter. The top, at 7,393 feet, receives the brunt of many cold winter storms. Because of the high elevation, Kings Hill receives cold, fine snow all winter. On clear days from the pass, its possible to look south to the Castle Mountains and farther south down to Yellowstone National Park, into the Crazy Mountains, and west to the Big Belts. Surface quality: Skier-packed. 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If you are leaving on a trip immediately, consider a synthetic upper. The cut is another area where people commonly regret their purchase. If you are day hiking or trail running, then you may want a low cut boot that stays light and flexible. If you plan on carrying a load or heading through rocky terrain then youll want a boot that goes above your ankle to prevent sprains and provide support. Corot set about the landscapes he painted in a more traditional manner than is generally thought. Besides the landscapes, which he painted many hundred and became so popular that there are today numerous counterfeits, Corot created a quantity of distinguished figure works. Although the subjects were occasionally positioned in rural backgrounds, they were generally studio works, drawn out of the live model including both attention to detail and nuance. Similar to his landscapes, these figure paintings can be defined by a meditative lyricism. 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Name: Social Bookmarking Country: India Comment: wzfsgk Hey, thanks for the post. Thanks Again. Want more. Name: bookmarking Country: India Comment: 8Kg1eK Really enjoyed this article. Want more. Name: bookmarking Country: India Comment: Thanks so much for the article. Want more. Name: Discount OEM Software Country: India Comment: YalVoV Im thankful for the article post. Want more. Name: Superwess Country: India Comment: Good write-up. The graphic content presented here is of quite great quality. Im going to work with this website much more often for find ip address Name: oem software Country: India Comment: Y5sSMT Thanks for all the answers:) In fact, learned a lot of new information. Dut I just didnt figure out what is what till the end. Name: JULIE Country: U. S.A. Comment: If you work or if choose not to, the most important thing for your child is love The time you have with your child will be short. You cant take back time so search your heart and ask your creator for assistance in your decisions. Name: t Country: India Comment: h Name: roshani Country: Canada Comment: I have one year old son. now I have to start work. My husband job is not good. I am also looking for baby sitter. we cant afford daycare. my parents (in india)they are saying to leave my son in India for few years. I am so confused what I have to do Name: sijo Country: India Comment: tyhj Name: malika arora khan Country: India Comment: what an worst article who have given what i needed i not got a single word inthat Name: Alabalu Country: Malaysia Comment: My friend left her 10 month old child in a infant care centre for the past 2 weeks. She has always been picking her up in the evenings after work. The first month her daughter would allow her mother to carry her home in the evenings. However, the past 3 weeks her daughter shown reluctance in departing from the the centre. when her mother comes in to the room, her daughter would refuse and starts to look for her caregiver. When this happens my friend would remark, my own baby doesnt even want meWhat advice will i give her. Name: gfsdchbfg Country: Japan Comment: benchod article Name: Shruti Ahmed Country: India Comment: This article gave me a good insight about how to go together with my work child. Name: Dudu Country: South Africa Comment: I am a working mother and I went back to work when my baby was only 4 months(in another city), I left her with my mother and a nanny, whom I thought was professional and could take good care of my back, when i went back home, my back has lost weight and was not at all looking good, so I had to take my baby and put in a creche or daycare, now I have to drop her at the creche every morning and then go to work, sometimes I even have to wake her up just to get her ready, Im so stressed, I cant quit my job it is the only income I have since i am a single mother, I have talked to family members and asked for their help, but Im scared that they might not take good care of her, I love my baby so much and I hate leaving her in the creche every morning, but there is nothing I can do Name: sonali Country: India Comment: Hi, I like this article I am a mother of 1 and a half a year son. I restarted working when he was 10 months old due to economic conditions. I am staying with my mother in law and she is very cooperative and does cooking part also else is been done by servant, but my uncle in law is not happy with all this things as my mother in law has to look my kid as well as to cook food also she is ok with all this thing and I also asked her not to cook food for eve I will do it then also she wont agree do it for herself then also my uncle in law is not haapy and sometimes create tention which I really dont want because I think it will effect on my kids life. Can anyone suggest me what should I do Name: Mother of One Country: U. S.A. Comment: I have 3 years old daughter and i am working since she was 1 and 12 year old. My mom was taking care of her but than she had to go back to india and now i put her to baby sitters house but whenever she gets sick or anything happen it comes to mother. Husband also blames that you should stay home with her. She gets sick because she dont get time with you. I feel very bad. I see my daughter very shy compare to others. But i have good job and i love my job and honestly i am little bit career oriented. I feel like that we have had earned good education and now we need to expand our knowledge so i am confused. I spend quality time with her when i am home. I read books and make fun activities with her but stil. Name: Minal Country: India Comment: I am a working woman and working as a secretary with K. Raheja Corp. I have a kid who is 4 years old now. I started working when he was 2 years old. I am keeing him in a creche and managing my job somehow. But i always have the guilt feeling that I am not spending time with my son and when I see the kids of his age around with their mother working, i always feel the difference in their grooming. I feel that my son is somewhere lagging behind as I find him very shy boy and less self confident. I mean he is not social or outspoken like some of the kids and I feel its because of me and it aggravates the guilt feeling. I feel like leaving the job but some of our social commitments needs both of us to work and earn. I tried even for the part time or work from home options but in vein. I am desperately looking out for some option. Even if the job pays less i wont mind but i dont want to stop working at all. Please suggest and try to find out the best option and oblige. Name: Minal Country: India Comment: I am a working woman and working as a secretary with K. Raheja Corp. I have a kid who is 4 years old now. I started working when he was 2 years old. I am keeing him in a creche and managing my job somehow. But i always have the guilt feeling that I am not spending time with my son and when I see the kids of his age around with their mother working, i always feel the difference in their grooming. I feel that my son is somewhere lagging behind as I find him very shy boy and less self confident. I mean he is not social or outspoken like some of the kids and I feel its because of me and it aggravates the guilt feeling. I feel like leaving the job but some of our social commitments needs both of us to work and earn. I tried even for the part time or work from home options but in vein. I am desperately looking out for some option. Even if the job pays less i wont mind but i dont want to stop working at all. Please suggest and try to find out the best option and oblige. Name: jithin Country: India Comment: its a curse bcoz mothers will not haveith their children Name: Priya Country: India Comment: Hi, I read this article it is very good and also i read quality of time spent with kids very nice. Actualy i am working mother, i have 2yrs old kid. Now he not with me he is with my mother and father. i left him in the age of 1yr half months, i use to go every weekends but now started to go alternative weekends, before i kept one made but she left the job. so it is very difficult to manage both office. home and kid. i thought of keeping my kid in chrich but i cant trust them, whether they lookafter good are not. i cannt leave my job also. now a days i am feeling very guilt that i am making mistake by leaving my kid with my mother place. so, i want to do job at home so, please guide me how i will do or start. by this i can look after my kid also and home also. Name: Sha Sha Country: India Comment: I have a daughter Seven and half years. My relation with my hub was never alright and he never showed any affection to both of us. I could support me with the govt job i had. Till my kid was two and half my mom supported me, after that she grew in creches and with severvant maid ony. Her father nver stayed with us, and now we proceeding with a concern divorce. I work in a different place and comes home on alternate days on weekdays and weekends are the time me and my is together. Afer school, She goes to local tennis club and after that a neighbour girl support her to do her home work etc. I am stressed in many ways. but i often spend quality time with her. Still i feel guilty as i could not be with her always. I am the bread winner and possiblities of living together with my hub is zero. she nver asks for her father. I need friends of simar situtation so that i can disuss and get more ideas in difficult situation. can any one help. Name: AMAN Country: India Comment: your article put all working mother into more guilt, we are working for the betterment of our child, even i wanna say that the positive accept of being working mother is that the child feel proud of mothers designation they proudly say may mother is earning, sooner or later they will understand. they just dont have to say that my mother is simple housewife. now a days kids wanna be smart kids they like their mother being super woman handling house handling outer world. i am working women i drop my child in a creche where he get love as family my son adapted the thought that my parents earn for me and he happy and love us the most. Name: mom of two Country: India Comment: Quality time is a myth created by working moms who are guilty of neglecting their own children to pursue their selfish career goals. Put your life and your career on hold for a few years - the first few years are very important for bonding with your child and you will reap the rewards for a lifetime. All other caregivers can take care of your child but nobody but the mom can provide them intellectual, emotional and psychological support like you. Lets not compare energetic working moms with the lazy stay-at-home mothers. Compare apples to apples, not to oranges. Do your job well - if you chose to be a mother in the first place, do your very best and trust me, the rewards will be all the hugs and kisses and love-yous for a lifetime. Often, I wonder how children throw their own parents out of their homes - and I see that those parents never bonded with their kids in the first place. A great stay-at-home mom is unbeatable Name: kiran more Country: India Comment: i have middal class family and i know the indan tendancy about women. but its a dimand of time that realise women is also a humanbeing. please help her in work or child problems. Name: neha Country: India Comment: If both husband and wife share the responsibility at home and childcare, women should work. If they are along handling both the fronts then they should make a choice which they need not repent on later. Name: Fione Country: United Kingdom Comment: As a teacher I would like to point out that the children of working mothers tend to be far more organised well rounded individuals than those of non working mothers. Working mothers are the ones who will support the school attend meetings and help children with their homework. Non working mothers are far more likely to forget things and be disorganised. A working mother is to be admired. As my own daughter said Mummy I would be so ashamed of you if you didnt work so well. Name: ashleymaui Country: U. A.E. Comment: hello. Im a mother to be soon. For sure when my baby is come, I dont want to leave him alone. but I want to have a home base job. Can you help me get a home base job here in Abu Dhabi. I am a very good employee and willing to do anything for my employer..Thank you so much Name: sgdedhtduj Country: India Comment: The disadvantages In the long run, in a situation where both parents are working and not spending enough time with their children, it can have an adverse effect on the childs development. Dr. Mehrotra feels, Children may feel neglected and seek stimulation outside the house. Servants can look after a childs basic needs, but they cannot be responsible for the childs intellectual, social and emotional development. In her experience, Dr. Mehrotra has found that very often, mothers who have to go back to work are not happy leaving their child at such a young age. They feel guilty and anxious and their anxiety is transmitted to the child. The mother will phone home ten times a day to find out what is happening and try to give instructions over the phone. This can make the whole family develop neurotic tendencies. When a mother is anxious, she makes everybody anxious. Often working mothers succumb to childrens demands very easily because they feel guilty. They feel that they can compensate for their absence by giving their children money. But a childs needs are not material. Children want warmth and emotional security, says Dr. Mehrotra. Probably the best thing for women to do if they want to work is to either work part-time or to get a job that has flexi-hours or to work freelance. However, in cases where mothers have no family at home to leave their children with, a good creche may be an option to consider. Ideally, a person running a creche will be educated and experienced with children and definitely a better option than leaving children to their own devices or with servants. But mothers must be very careful about checking the credentials of the person running the creche and speak to parents of other children in the creche before they take a decision to send their child to one. Name: depressed mom Country: India Comment: Hi i am a mother of 9 months old daughter. its becoming really difficult for me to leave my daughter with maid and going to office. i cant leave the job beacuse of financial reasons. i have done BE. Can somebody suggests me PARTTIME or work from home options in Delhi NCR region Name: Sarita Country: India Comment: After keeping my daughter with my in-laws for 212 years, i have started keeping her in creche. The creche is good. Though she cries before going there the time she is at creche she never cries. I have been following up with the creche over phone and i get positive feedback. But still my child is reluctant to go there. I can make it out from her behaviour. I feel so guilty that at times i feel like quitting my job and be with her. But that is not possible. Seeing the child doing something against her wish is so painful. What do i do Name: padma Country: India Comment: Being a mother of two kids aged 10 and 6 and away from home some 200 kms, able to see the kids only during weekends, it is really difficult to hopeup withthe situation. please provide some information about how i can be a good mother Name: mom of 3 Country: U. S.A. Comment: everybody needs a life outside the house. even your toddler especially your toddler. couple of days a week with kids hisher own age does wonders to a childs confidence and interactive skills. the child grows more tolerant, learns to share, and mentally and emotionally develops much faster than if he is cooped up at home all day, everyday. few hours a week would be good. but, if are working 50-60 hoursweek and somebody else cares for that child the whole time, and you are too exhausted when you get home to provide fresh and nutritious food, spend time that you dont have with the child, that is a terrible injustice. Name: mom of 3 Country: U. S.A. Comment: i know women who do exactly what she said. chores around the house. feed, bathe the child. maybe hold them a little, but are very impersonal about it because there is always stuff to do around the house it never ends and they dont connect or cherish the time with the child. again, not all, but, some mothers are that waythen, there are some house-wives who dont even do much house-work, but, still manage to neglect the child. let me tell you this, the more you do, the more you CAN do. ORGANIZATION is the secret to doing it all. an organized, efficient and energetic person can do more in a couple of hours than some people do all week. people who fit in the couple of hours category know exactly what im talking about. we can do it all, as long as we find that balance that everybody seems to be talking about lately. Name: mom of 3 Country: U. S.A. Comment: the solution is different for different professions, but, if you ANDOR your husband is able to 1do fewer hoursdays 2work from home 3work a few hours during the weekEND when the spouse is with the child, instead of one of the weekdays 4work close to homeday care and spend lunch-hour with the child. etcetc you may be able to work this out. since my husband is not able to cut down on hours at his job, working 1-2 days a week till the kids are in 1st grade feels right for me. when they ARE in 1st grade, i might still want to do 1-2 days. well play it by ear. we have some financial needs that need to be met not luxuries by any standards, but needs but, there you have it. everybody needs to work hard at finding that balance in all aspects of life. isnt that what we are all trying to do whether we are aware of it or not some of us are lucky enough to find it, some are not, due to circumstances. who are we to judge Name: mom of 3 Country: U. S.A. Comment: hey REAL MOM from USA and aishwarya from india. shades of gray. there are no absolutes in life. whos to say that a mother absolutely should OR should not work. EVERYBODYS life is DIfferent. there are financial problems, there are certain careers that most definitely will never take off if the woman takes a few years off from work. should the many, many years of toil on the womans part towards her education and career go wasted because people seem to think that a baby is 100 a womans responsibility there are so many things to be considered. CONTINUED Name: hjjk Country: India Comment: jkljhkl Name: Renu Country: India Comment: Iam from a very middle class. I was good at studies so I could make it out to a good job. I left job when my son was born and took a break for a year. My husband was lower middle class. we both want our child to get all those things particularly good school ( we went to a muncipality school). We can afford many good thngs for him if we both work, as we have other responsubilties as well. what i feel that his physical needs are met. my in law-s take care of him. but the relationship of in mOTHER IN LAW AND FATHER IN LAW IS NOT GOOD, SO IT TROUBLES ME ALOT, AS IT WILL IMPACT GROWTH OF MY SON. I WANT THE SECOND KID BUT IN LAWS ARE VERY CONSERVATIVE AND DONOT ALLOW SERVANTS AT HOME. WHATHER IN SUCH SITUATIONS, I SHD GO FOR A 2ND KID IS VERY DIFFICULT DECISON FOR ME. PLS HELP Name: G Country: U. S.A. Comment: I am 7 months pregnant and my husband insists I do a job. I am confused should I start doing the job now, which will take care of my baby. I spend hrs reading, dont get enough rest is it right what I am doing Someone please advice Name: irfan Country: India Comment: i think a person should balance the thinks, and also a working mother should not feel anxious and let is pass to the family and the baby, if the mother can can manage both job and doing the job then she should do the job, otherwise she can just simply leave the job and take care of baby, and also depends how the baby is coping up with the situation, and lastly but very important that fathers should also contribute hugely in childs care so that the pressure on the mothers is reduced and simultaneously the baby also gets care, so bringing up baby should be collective effort of both mother an father. Name: me a mommy Country: India Comment: yes I too go thru this emotional trauma when I return from work after a 12-14 hrs stint from my high pressure job. I chucked up my govt job for a private one for pure economic reasons knowing well that family will be put on back burner. Although my husband cooperates me in this I cannot take it as a right. when my son says mommy be there to pick me up when I come home it really pinches me hard. when I find that he has fever but I still have to leave him at crech i die a hundred deaths. my sons social behaviour also is taking its toll. although he is very nice and adjusting child at the end of the day he is just a normal child with tantrums. I succumb to guilt. Although Im able to provide all the good things in life I am most depressed all the time. I love to be with my child. gone are the days when I used to think that women should work be independent and other stuff. I prefer flexi hours which are not available in our field. and at this stage I cannot leave the job also. Iam at cross roads. Name: Rani Country: U. S.A. Comment: iam three years old daughter mother. i feel very bad when i came from home my daughter waiting for me. when she saw me she almost crying because i go for job five oclock in the morning and come back two oclock. i leave my daugher with my mother friend so she stay with her without bath and some time no proper cloth i really feel gulity for her but i dont have any choice. Name: Depressed Country: Malaysia Comment: I am a government servant and work 8-9 hours a day on average, and I went back to work 4 months after my baby was born. Shes 4 years old now and I have been leaving her with a maid whos educated and is able to interact well. The only worry is that sometimes she seems to cling to the maid especially at mealtimes-and thats because the maid is the one whos feeding her most of the time. She also refuses to let me bottle-feed her. However, she likes to play with me. During the weekends, when Im at home the whole day, she is more attached to me. Nevertheless, in a nutshell, I think shes closer to the maid as she knows the maid is always available whenever she needs her, but mummy is missing many hours a day and there is nothing that she derives from me during those hours Im missing. I feel really depressed about this. No amount of money can buy the love of a child, so for those of you who are at the crossroads, thinking about leaving your child behind and returning to work: please weigh the pros and cons carefully, considering your financial status and how important the job is to you before taking the plunge. Once youre already working, it may be too late to get out of the system, you grow dependent on the job-its a trap, at least to me. Name: Aishwarya Country: India Comment: If fathers can work then even mothers have full right. And as far as children are concerned, this is the right time when children learn to be independent and learn to take responsibilities. Just imagine in India all children are educated, even our mothers are educated and their parents to have made efforts to send them to schools, so do you think these efforts should go waste Not only for money as such but should mothers work to express their feelings and achieve their rights. Not only that, even the government of India says that all women (mothers) have equal right to work. And so I will conclude that all mothers should work. Name: from kerala Country: Australia Comment: prithviraj Name: real mommy Country: U. S.A. Comment: lets face the facts. babies and children want and need their mommies. they need them everyday all day and night. dont have them if you are going to ship them off to be raised. people dont WANT to be with their children. its too much work and too inconvenient. so sad that people have kids. i am sure if babies could speak they would beg you to love, cuddle and just be there for them each and every day. they crave and thrive on QUANTITY. we are ruining our children in our society. they are deprived of time and love each time they are shipped off. i taught elementary school for 11 years before becoming a full time mother of 2. I saw the effects of time deprived children. oh how sad and needy they were. Confie em mim. its easier to go out to work than raise children, BUT its worth every minute. seja cuidadoso. you reap what you sow. if you put your time in (QUALITY AND QUANTITY) you will raise a nice family. we have only started to see the effects on non-parental care for our children in our society. cut back on those material posessions and stay home with the kids. children dont care about money, they care about being loved and cared for by their parents (especially the mother early on). Wake up and face the facts. chances are if you are feeling guilty, you should be. oh and the next time you dump your kid off to be raised by someone else and you are feeling so brokenhearted, well just imagine how your kid feels being dumped off. you had them now raise them. Name: Namita Country: India Comment: What is the fun of writing when u dont allow them to appear. Name: neha Country: India Comment: i think working is very important for all educated mothers. however in India there is no system of working for part time job or for work on hourly basis in various sectors like engg etc. We should have the system of working from home, or work for parttime or on hourly basis etc. for working mothers. Name: Jenny Country: U. S.A. Comment: I would love to learn more about creches at the workplace. Are there creche companies who do this frequently Do you know of any companies who provide care onsite for their employees Thanks Name: BHUPENDRA MUDGAL Country: India Comment: NOW IT IS THE NEED OF SOCIETY THAT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO WORK LIKE MAN. IT IS THE VIEW OF OLD TIME THAT WOMEN ARE MEANT FOR HOME. IF WE WANT TO UPLIFT THE CONDITION OF A WOMAN WE SHOULD GIVE A PROPER PLACE TO HER IN THE SOCIETY. DEMAND OF 30 RESERVATION FOR WOMEN IS THE WAY WHICH CAN FULFILL THE NEEDS OF A WOMAN. Name: sarika Country: United Kingdom Comment: I am an Indiannational who migrated hre in my teens. My husband is also somewhat the same - he also migrated here from India - fiven this our families are here. I quit a rising and successful career - I terminated my contract at 5 months of pregnancy and did bnot work till my son was 2. I donot regret that break but it was har going back to work again. Now my son is 8. and I have been working for the past six years with minimal problems. Our famailies have returned to India so life is also not all that convinent. But working me has made my son a very Independent person. I do spend at leat 4 hours a day with him taking care of his studies and his issues that he faces in school. I am proud to say that I have managed a job and brought up a child and raised a happy family. Name: Monika Country: India Comment: Very useful and though provoking article. Working Mothers life is ofcourse tough. You only end up sqeezing evrybodys needs including your childs. in-laws, parents, husband in that small band of 5-6 hours per day that are spent at home. No matter a creche or granparents or servants, nothing can be a better substitute to a mother. The only way out is to spend GOOD Quality Time and try schdeule your childs routine so that heshe is awake during that 5-6 hours. Name: MSM Country: India Comment: If these external factors work for you: You have a good placepeople to leave your child with. Your husband helps you with the baby You have a good job oppurtunity - You are happy - managing both home and work and being very busy. WOMEN MUST WORK. Non-working mothers not only have kids who depend on them. but the mother slowly start depending on their kids too. During the growing up phase, the mother starts depending on the baby for being busy with the childs needs. Kids grow up and spend 6-7 hrs in school. And the kid now does not require the mother that much. and it is about 3-4 years - so the industry does not need the employee anymore too. SO SHE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE - it is important to work. Work out whatever is possible to keep you going. It is tough initially but it is worth the effort. IT IS WORTH YOUR LIFE (which is sometimes a couple of months, years, or in most cases entire life). Name: sangeeta Country: India Comment: if there is no financial crisis amother should not work atleast for one year, this is the time when your baby needs you most. Name: waheeda Country: India Comment: why do we feel that the responsibility of bringing up the cild only lies on the monther alone Baby needs both mother as well as father for the emotional and intellectual development. I have a 7 years old daughter and a 13 month old son. I am a working mother who is dependent on the servants from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm. but we see to it that both of us are there for the babies rest of the time. I went for work leaving a 4 month old back home. But my daughter is growing up as a intellignet, very matured, emotionally balanced and sharing girl. Name: Urmi Country: india Comment: I am a working mother as my mother was. And have not faced any problem so far in raising my baby. Though she is still a baby she already knows when ma leaves and comes back and can mix with others freely. Name: Sidra Country: india Comment: I have been working since my son was 4 months old. I think believe that a woman should be independent - financially. I agree that family support is most important for a working mother i also understand the role importance of a grandparent. My husband i both take equal responsibility in bringing up our son. He feeds him, bathes him puts him to sleep also. This is a very big help. This way our child is close to both his parents. Even though there may be days when i feel pangs of guilt, i try to spend enough quality time with my son. It can be reading a story or playing with him his cars or singing nursery rhymes. Hes two years old we enjoy taking him out with us - whether its grocery shopping or to the beach. Parents - and the word includes mother father - have a joint responsibility of bringing up the child instilling good values. I dont believe that only stay - at home moms can be good mothers. whats important is to create a loving atosmophere at home, spend time with the child which he can relish be positive in your approach. also please dont get worried or get eaten by guilt - its useless. Name: bhavna Country: india Comment: i have a 412 yr old baby boy. i am not vry much carreer oriented now. i was wrking with anz grindlays bank but left my job whn i hd my baby as he was born aftr 5yrs of my marriage. but hd to start wrking again aftr 2yrs due to financial crisis at home. i feelguilty abt nt gving all my attntn to my chld. and i can see it ds affect the child also. i am wrking in a bpo, doing night shifts. pls advice what to do. i wud luv to do part time job or some part time busnss, but have no clue as to what to do. Name: Tony S Country: india Comment: It is a v. useful article. Encourages more women to start working or go back to work. Sometimes the so called familial support can be a bane than a boon. This is because the MIL tries to come in between the mother and the baby even when they try to bond. So it is better the baby goes to a good day care center where he can interact with other kids of his age. Also the mother should enjoy all the milestones in her babys life. So the ideal time is to go to work after the baby turns 1 year. Name: Nancy Country: united kingdom Comment: All children are different. It is very difficult to tell how long it will take for your daughter to get used to your parents. I feel the best way is to start earlier on to involve your parents in looking after her and may be after a few weeks, try to leave her for one hour and return. This will give you an idea is to how your daughter is coping in your absence. The last this you want to do is to leave your daughter without her intinal contact with your parents before returning to work. Name: MOM IN A DILEMA Country: india Comment: I am a mother of a 7 month old baby and want to get back to work. My problem is that since I have been the only person looking after her since she was born my baby has suddenly become very clingy towards me and doesnt go to anybody..I am planing to start working in 2 months time and am really worried about how its going to effect her. My parents will be at home to look after her but I would like to know from other moms..How much time does a baby usually take to adjust to a day care or an environment where I am not around. Please reply. Name: imelda gutierrez Country: usa Comment: its true that most motheres afect there children divelopment but its not always true it all dipends on who is the person taking kear of the chid becous my mothere has taken kear of lots of babys for a long time and all of them show a stong development and the one that she is taking kear of rght now is showing a really good development she is so smart she is only 8 month. love always la twinkey if you whant to know more you can reach me at babytwinkey89yahoo Name: Lata Giri Country: india Comment: I think it is very true that being a mother is really a very responsible designation, but the women can carry on with her job if their Company have the creche inside there premises. I am already doing it in Chandigarh. My creches are running in corporates Name: Hiba Country: lebanon Comment: The article is fairly good but I think Dr. Mehrotra should have elaborated more and listed more disadvantages Name: SAMIUDDIN Country: united kingdom Comment: I THINK THAT IF MOTHER WNATS TO GIVE TIME TO HER CHILD SHE CAN MANAGE TIME WITH HER JOB. EMPLOYERS UNDERSTAND IT. Name: DJK Country: india Comment: The article is good and informative. I firmly believe that every individual should work and be productive not only for economic reason but also for the personal independence and satisfaction. As the social and economic order changes one has to adapt to these changes. Therefore the choice is not between to work or not to work. One needs to be more prudent in balancing all aspects of life rather that finiding reasons for not able to cope with demanding schedules and here the issue of priortization comes. Family is important and pivotal and the responsibility lies with both man and woman rather than only on woman. So it should not become an excuse to sacrifice an earning in the name of family. Children needs quality time with their parents and they have to priortise accordingly. I know many women who threw away their job for the sake of their child which has essentially not added much to the very objective, instead lost the edge in the economic sense and more so in the family stability putting pressure on the men. As a family a consciuos decision has to taken by both spouses what level of involvement should each one partake in each aspect at every stage of life so that the balance is maintained rather than being emotional and taking a single side view with short horizon. Name: hafizi Country: malaysia Comment: i think women should be allowed to work..Nowadays women could whatever men do. even sometimes they do better than us. so why sould we waste their abilities Right Name: A mother Country: usa Comment: I feel a mother should take care of a child in the initial years if she doesnt have family. Only family can take care of the child lovingly and daycare cannot replace it. The career can be given a pause and after sometime they can go back to work. The best babysitters definitely are the grandparents but few are lucky enough to have helpful in-laws in this matter. Name: Nidhi Country: usa Comment: Being working mom from day one since Name: Meenu Kumar Country: india Comment: I think the term working woman is Name: Meeun Kumar Country: india Comment: I think Name: Swarnali Country: india Comment: Can anybody give me some addresses of creches at Vaishali region, Ghaziabad Name: Paromita Country: india Comment: Being a working mom is demanding. My 2year old son clings to me after I return home but the fact that the mother is out with a life and aspirations of her own, inculcates the same feelings in the kid and also teaches them to respect her as an individual. The article is good. It would be helpful if some Work from home options are detailed out. Name: Meenu Kumar Country: india Comment: I think the term working mother is derogatory. A woman is the only one who can deliver the child to complete the family. Since she any way bears it all happily for atleast one whole year of pregnancy, why should she be expected to not move with her life normally after the child is born. If she does the best for the family, physically emotionally, why should she feel any guilt in returning to work as soon as she can. I blame the society our value system for never letting a married woman have the growth that she deserves as an individual. I feel that a person who is in charge of her life with respect for their own needs is the kind of mom that any child needs. Your child will learn more about love from the love you have for yourself your life, not from the sacrifices you make for what you desire. Name: uhteen Country: kuwait Comment: please elaborate all kinds of information. it is a very good site Name: priti patel Country: USA Comment: This site is good for working mom as well as for mom who staying at home all the time because Dr. Mehrotra explains how we spend quality time with our children. Nevertheless, she did not give us any example for quality time, what is quality time How she said quality time She has to be specific about quality time with giving an example about quality time. Name: Radhika Country: India Comment: I have a 4 month old and i got back to work 3 weeks back. I have left my daughter to my MIL and in the evenings I see to it that I spend all my time with her. I feel very sad that I have to miss those precious moments of being with my baby and go to work for money. Id feel even more miserable if the kid gives attention to her gparents than to me. I am feeling very insecure about this. Name: patricia Country: USA Comment: I think too many times we lie to ourselves about what it is to have children. It is difficult to feel fulfilled snd also know we are responsible for the well being of our children. The process of bonding for children is profoundly shaping in their growth - physically and psychologically. The problem is we are often struggling to get our needs met and this takes priority over what is best for our children. I found that being very honest with myself, about my finances and my need for affirmation, I found the greatest peace in knowing what is best for my child. Good luck in your own soul searching Name: DMP Country: India Comment: THe article should be a little elaborate, Examples of quality time spend. A working mom sometimes has to call up ten times a day. She is not anxious but seeing to it that the servant has done all the jobs needed for looking at the child like putting the rice dal cooker, made vegatable and that to at the proper time or lets say the alloted time. thereafter 4-5p. m small eat and milk then dropped her to the park. As a working mother i do not pass my anxiousness. Thereare times the child does not listen to the maid, throws tantrums this is when the phone call helps. There is no one compartmentalised solution. Remember there is a solution to every problem. Try and work out the siuation to ur and the childs advantage. Name: Pooja Country: India Comment: The article written by Dr. Dr. Mehrotra, is very good, i found this site very informative. I am also working mother of 2 years ols baby girl. her grand parents are taking care of her when i am away from home, i usually gets around 1-2 hours of time daily to spend with her, even than she is very much attached to me. You statment is very correct that child is always deeply attached to mother. My baby never let me off from her eyes when i reaches home. she is always with me wirrespective of the thing whether i am working in a kitchen or what. I really thanks Dr. mehrotra for such a good articel. Name: soniq Country: India Comment: Hi Very good article from Dr. Mehrotra, It gives lot of factors that a working or a non-working mother has to consider. well I say it all depends on individual needs thinking. But the dilema still remains. Name: nh Country: India Comment: My son is 10 yrs old and we are staying in a joint family. I am carrier oriented lady and have to tour a lot. And also have no option than working due to financial situations. Though the father and grand parents take care of him, I have a guilt concious in my mind as he do not get well along with my husband or with grandparents. Many a times this makes me disturbed. Please let me know how should I go about it Name: ash Country: India Comment: I found the site very informative, but at the same time i feel u should be more specific. like you have mentioned abt spending quality time with the child, u cd also give some suggestions on how do we as parents spend this time togethere. Name: rs Country: India Comment: the site is good, but too brief i feel. there should be some elaborations on the quality time being spent with the child. i would also like to know more on single parenting as my son has lost his father in physical as he is no more but he is present in spirits emotions. he is 4 yrs old it has only been 6 months since his loss, though he is getting good care love from his grandparents but he misses me sometimes when im off to my office. i devoted full 3 yrs to him after his birth by leaving my job joined another only after he was 3 yrs. he had ample time of both me my husband till 3 yrs of age then i started working then his dad went away. with my job how to tackle it is my concentration Name: zhejun Country: USA Comment: The site is very good for the children and some of the story even a man can read it Name: A. S. Rao Country: India Comment: Dr. Mehrotra has presented a very nice picture on the condition of working mother. But what I have noticed in the whole of the article she has used a child never children. Does this mean that working mothers prefer child rather than children or out of necessity she should go for a child rather than children. Pl. comment. Name: Shambhavi Country: India Comment: I am a working lady. I am having one son of 5 yrs. Now everyone expects us to have second child. I am confused. Can you tell me why should we go for it. Name: vm Country: India Comment: I was working before my daughter was born. Now she is 18 months old and I intend to go back to work. This article gave me an insight which enabled me to take a decision. otherwise i used to just keep thinking without results. Name: Roopa Country: USA Comment: I am a working mother. I stayed at home with my kid for a year and I proud to say I could breast-feed for a year. Both were happy until he was a year old, after that I started to get really bored. Here in America (Especially, in the bay area) you dont have any friendly neighbors or any other adult to talk to. I started getting depressed and felt like killing myself. I had fights with my husband every day. This was not at all good for my kid. I started to look for a good place to keep him and started out with an old lady and I felt terrible, my guilt almost killed me for a year at least some times it pops up now and then. BTW, my kid is 4 and half years old now. Today I can say I am happy mother and my kid is happy and my hubby is happy. Bottom line is to keep the things in good perspective and find a way to make all of us happy. Roopa. Name: kiran Country: India Comment: iwas a working mother with a rewarding and stressful job, but have now given it up. i plan to start a daycare for children of mothers who face the kind of trouble i had in looking for quality care for my son when i went to work. quality time is definitely a great concept, but what about the effects of the unsupervised9by you) time the child spends with servants - you never can be sure of what goes on behind your back, unless the child is with known, trusted people. and domestic help, specially the younger age group is definitely not trustworthy Name: jyotsna Country: India Comment: I feel that for a working woman. it becomes almost a neccesity to work as she is so used to going out and working. The quality of time with your child is definitely important but equally esential is the fact that the quality of relationship with your husband is also better when you areworking. When I was on leave. I would be ready to pounce on my husband nagging him because the day would leave me so tired and monotonous. When I am working I am in a more cheerful mood. am happily giving quality time to my son and husband and they are happy too. When one is at office the home problems are forgtten and when one is at home the office problems are forgotten, so one gets a vent for ones feelings. Of course this needs a supportive husband, which my husband sure is. Name: Pratibha Singh Country: India Comment: I am a working mother of two sons aged 7 months and 4 years. Each time I joined back in my office when they were just 5 months. Since then I dont have time for myself whatever time I had, has been given to kids. My elder son has been brought up in joint family with his grand parents besides that he is not very attached to his grandparents. He is very much attached to me because of the quality of love he got from me. I am proud of when my in-laws have a bet to let him sleep with them because he never sleeps with them in the adjoining room when I am also at home. Except my office hours I never let him away from me. We daily playtalk at least 45 hours when I listen to him carefully and replies all his queries and the releated things patiently. Now, I found that he never forget those things which I had explained him. But now with two children its really a difficult task to work. I dont have enough time for them. But I hope that as soon as the winter is off, I will be able to devote more time with them. Now a days in Indian contest too, these sites are very useful to discuss problems and solutions of working mothers kids. Name: Nidhi Country: USA Comment: Being a working Mom from day one since the birth of both my children this article came as a video of my thoughts. One thing which I liked most about this article was the writer emphasised on quality of time spent with the child not the quantity. I agree I do not have 24 hours for my kids but I definately would like to have good 3-4 hours with them. It is stressful to juggle but you have to do what you have to do. I rather go to work and spend quality time with kids rather than stay at home and nag them all the time. I thing which I would like to add is that we should learn to beleive in the care giver. Whether it is day care, MIL, Mom or any other service. Easier said then done. I have to lear that too. At times I wish there were 48 hours in a day. Name: DEEPIKA Country: India Comment: I am a working mother and since there is no MIL OR my mother to take care of my son (7 months) i leave him in a daycare and i find him really improving in his play and he has become more independent than before. But as you said in your opinion it is the quality of time that matters than quantity. Name: gulshan Country: Canada Comment: It is really nice article. really liked it. in reality you cant stay home in north america unless you are really rich or husband is earning too good. i hate the moment when i have to leave my 6 month baby to a baby sitter or 4 years crying baby can you just stay home with us today. waht a miserable life. but using quality time really make difference. Name: Annapurna Country: India Comment: After getting up from the bed, my daughter doesnt come to me. She catch of her grand mother saree and request her to take her. I feel very bad about this. But, I cant do anything. My MIL takes care of the baby from morning till evening. Name: Linda Country: Malaysia Comment: I am a working mother, but I am great with my job and my family. Although we need to work abit harder than other, but I rather to see the happiness in family. Name: deepa Country: India Comment: I am a working mother and I feel my baby is refusing to acknowledge as soon as I come from office and it really upsets me very much. I feel he doesnt need me and love me Name: rm Country: India Comment: I am a working mother and after coming back from work I spend time with my children. Though at times I feel bad about leaving them with the maid particularly when they are sick, but its fun otherwise when I come back. I try to spend as much quality time with as possible. Name: pallavi Country: Dubai Comment: I am a working mom. When my first daughter was born I was a housewife. Though I could spend 24 hours of the day with my baby, I soon got worked up by the drudgery and monotony of household and baby chores. This affected my moods and made me cranky. However when my second one was born I already had a good job and though at times it is quite stressfull to juggle home and job, I think The job satisfaction contributes towards my being a better mother. Name: Aditi sen Country: India Comment: I feel very guilty when I go to work. When I come back from work it seems that my baby is waiting throughout the day to see me. I just feel like crying. But I have no option. Name: A mother Country: USA Comment: I feel a mother should take care of a child in the initial years if she doesnt have family. Only family can take care of the child lovingly and daycare cannot replace it. The career can be given a pause and after sometime they can go back to work. The best babysitters definitely are the grandparents but few are lucky enough to have helpful in-laws in this matter. Name: cnr Country: India Comment: this site has some interesting articles that r suited to the indian context - and like anagha. i also would like to see some info on single parents Name: Anagha Country: India Comment: this site is really good, as it is particularly related to the indian situations. this section is interesting, but there is no information on single parenting-maybe due to death or divorce. please provide some info on that too. Enter Your Views on this Article Here

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